The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Pope Fancis  

The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Mission and Objectives

Saint Joseph Institute is considered as a lighthouse for the families to help them in the continuous discovery of God’s plan for them, to help them becoming faithful to such a plan in order to become “a wonderful work of love”. Such a mission is achieved through the teaching and doctrinal and scientific principles of the Church that respect and protect human dignity since the conception till the natural death.


Our objectives

  1. Building Families as a domestic church among hard societies and sick mentalities of consumption due to negative aspects of globalization and social media.
  2. Strengthening the art of love as the only true Master Educator for the family and Society
  3. Promoting the concept that the “Family” should be “Seeds of Communion and Development” for today’s humanity. Promoting the Culture of Giving, Hospitality, Education, Culture of Life, Environment and Ecology, Work for the common good, social communication as a tool of peace, planetary unity – universal brotherhood, Humanizing Social Structures.
  4. Strengthening the ethical and moral orientation and the experience of the virtuous life acquired within the family to offer the best of themselves to the society. Insert a soul into society to relaunch the relational and organizational concepts in the society
  5. Strengthen the development based on clear scientific principles to fight unhealthy habits