Professors & Experts

Dr.Mounir Farag
Founder and director of SJI

Dr.Rassmy Abdel-Malek
Head of the Higher Institute of Coptic Studies

Dr. Victor Sami
Professor and chair person of Psychiatry department Benha University

Bishop Bakhoum
Coptic catholic Bishop vicaire, professor of Doctrinal Law

Pere Henri Boulad
Former Superior of Jesuit congregation and Caritas internationalis

Mrs. Layla Farag
Journalist and Family counselling

Father. Bolos Garas
Former Dean of catholic Seminary

Father. Andarwes Fahmy
dean of Sakakini institute for Theological studies

Father.Abraam Maher
vice Rector of Catholic Seminary

Dott-Eng. Magued Rasmy
Human Resources training Expert

Dr. Magda Shafiq
MD internal Medecine and Family Counseling expert

Dr. Peter Victor
Consultant psychiatrist MD (adult psychiatry and addiction/substance abuse)

P.Smuel Fayez
Former Dean of Franciscan oriental institute

Father. Youssef Assad
Religion professor and Member of Patriarchate counseling board

Father.Atef bishay
fransiscan,Professor of Moral Theology

Eng. Magdy Mishraky
Family Counseling expert

Dr.Michael Victor
Consultant psychiatrist MD

Eng. Ramy Sherif
Human Resource training expert

Dr.Marie.Claire Mounir
Assistant lecturer at National Cancer institute Egypt, coordinator of WOOMB Egypt

Dr.Abanoub Ashraf
Radiotherapy resident doctor

Dr.Sara Salah
Radiology resident doctor and WOOMB teacher

Prof.Magued Bedwani
Psychology consultant

Dr. Anis Awad
MD Family médecine & Psychology

Dr.Marian Nashaat
MD Family médecine consultant

Dr.Sandra Deeb
Pharmacist , member PAV Vatican

Fr. Youhanna Shaker
Francescan, youth formation

Fr. Youhanna Georges
Coordinator Family meetings Alexandria

Mr. Hany Morice
Director Caritas Alexandria

Fr. michel Shafiq
coordinator Youth movement in Alexandria

Fr. Youssef Milad
Lazarist, moral theology
& pastoral care

Mme. Magda Creta
New Humanity movement & secretary SJI Alexandria

Fr. Romany Adly
Moral Theology, Family committee responsible

Fr. Boulos Mikhail
Theology professor

Fr. Bakhoum Eweda
Francescan, spirituality professor

Fr. Youhanna Zakaria
Oriental Liturgy professor

Dr. Wafeek Safwat
Pedagogy and psychology specialist

Fr. Emmanuel Mahrous
responsible youth activities

Fr. Armia Ayad
dritto canonico , presidente tribunal Sohag

Fr. Antoun Ayad
Youth movement responsible, Sohag

Mgr. Emmanuel Ayad
Louxor Bishop, Canonic Law

Fr. Elia Iskandar
Francescan Vicaire Louxor , Apostolico Administrator

Fr. Marco Nagui
Vicaire Louxor diocese

Miss Iman Bakhoum
Sociology & Pedagogy consultant

Fr Agostinos Hanna
Francescan , Family pastoral Louxor

Fr. Marco Mikhail
Francescan, youth movement Louxor

Sister Mariam

Fr. Youssef Zaki
Francescan , youth pastoral Louxor

Fr. Hanna Kamal
Francescan, Spiritual Theology professor
Accredited Billings' teachers

Scientist: Mervet Kozman
Expert Billings’ teacher since 1985

Dr.Marie.Claire Mounir
coordinator of WOOMB Egypt head quarter

Dr.Sandra Azzab
coordinator of WOOMB Egypt – Alexandria

Dr.Sara Salah
BOM Teacher Cairo & Sohag

Dr.Abanoub Ashraf
BOM Teacher Cairo & Sohag

Ms.Mervat El Gendi
BOM Teacher Luxor

Eng.Lucy Louise
BOM Teacher Luxor

Ms.Tereza Romani
BOM Teacher Sohag
Administrators and Secretaries

Mr. Habib Kozman
Financial team staff

Miss. Mirette Amall
administration team staff

Mme. Magda Creta
secretary SJI Alexandria

Miss. Teresa Romany
secretary SJI Sohag

Miss. Nevine Around
secretary SJI Louxor