The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Pope Fancis  

The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Virtues in the Ethics of Life

On March 3-4th 2016, the Pontifical Academy for Life held in the Vatican its XXII General Assembly, connected with the workshop Virtues in the Ethics of Life.

Prof. Mounir Farag presented his  Topic in presence of Ambassador of Egypt HE Seif El Nasr:        

The virtuous institution in service to life

The proposals of certain widespread moral theories in the area of the ethics of life (principalism, consequentialism, situational ethics, etc.) are not able to offer a sufficient perspective to set in motion a correct deliberation, which would guarantee, on the one hand, the proper foundation in the natural moral law, and on the other hand, the suitable response to the concrete circumstances.     

Ethics from a moral virtues perspective, intended as acquired habits which accomplish a determined good, is the perfect assistant, both on the level of conscience and on the level of the act. Virtue Ethics implies a unified plan of life oriented towards the recognition and attainment of the ends-goods of human activities.