The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Pope Fancis  

The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Author name: Dr Marie

Saint Joseph Institute for Family & Life concluded the 60th pre-marriage preparatory course.

Under the patronage and presence of His Beatitude “Ibrahim Ishak”, Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, Saint Joseph Institute for Family & Life concluded on Friday, 6th August 2021, the 60th pre-marriage preparatory course for engaged couples in great Cairo. Thirty couples participated from different churches and society categories.

His Beatitude listened to some impressions from the participants, here are some examples: “The course helped us build together the foundation of the family that will help us in our future married life”…. “Through the course, we got to know each other more and created a profound dialogue between us and understanding  the personality of each other”…We understood the  need for preparation before marriage, because it’s “A sacred vocation” like the “Priest  vocation ”…. “One of the most important things we learned during the course is:  To move our speech from “me” to “us”.

His Beatitude the Patriarch encouraged the couples; affirming that the foundation of the family is: -God’s love, Unity, and communion life, based on sincere dialogue between the two Spouses.

 He concluded his Patriarchal speech, giving the couples His Paternal  blessing.

The Institute wishes the 60th course couples, sincere love and happiness to build a family based on the Holy Family Model.

Saint Joseph Institute for Family & Life concluded the 60th pre-marriage preparatory course. Read More »

Inauguration of the 60th pre-marriage preparatory course in Cairo

Inauguration of the 60th pre-marriage preparatory course on Friday, 2nd April, 2021.

30 couples participated in this course.

The day began with the Divine Liturgy, followed by a spiritual meditation on “God is love”, the first point of family spirituality, followed by introductory lecture about the institute and its services.

HB Patriarch “Ibrahim Isaaq” honored and blessed the opening. In his speech, he encouraged the couples to build Christian families, following the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth, and HB praised the mission of “Saint Joseph Institute” in preparing those who are about to get married considering current circumstances and challenges of the present era, especially technology and Social Media.

 He offered each couple a copy of the letter of Pope Francis regarding the year of “Saint Joseph- Patris Corde ”, “with a fatherly heart.”

He presented the Apostolic Exhortation “The Joy of Love- Amoris Letitia ” and concluded with the family prayer.

The first day included three lectures:

-Lecture on the medical aspects presented by Dr. Marie-Claire Mounir, included an explanation of the biology of women. Understanding women wonderfulness in giving and offering and emphasizing the wonderful nature of the reproductive system. Special guidance of medical aspects towards correcting distorted perceptions of the beautiful meaning of love.

-The second lecture by Dr. Mounir Farag was continuation of the medical aspects, the physiological and anatomical explanation of the male reproductive system, clarifying the anatomical similarities between man and woman.

– Dr. Mounir Farag presented a lecture on Natural Family Planning, emphasizing the definition, the spirit and concept: Are they contraceptives? What are the fundamental differences? The natural method: It is a way of life for birth control, its culture is a culture of life, lived and shared by the spouses together, and it is a method created by the laws of nature. The natural ovulation method, or Billings (the most accurate of them): its goal is the happiness of the spouses and the achievement of pregnancy without exorbitant research.

-The third lecture presented by Dr. Marie- Claire introducing the practical aspects of   Billings method, its benefits, and an explanation of how to register and follow up table registration table   with every girl.

Waiting for you in the next episode on Friday, May 21, with four interesting and varied lectures and workshops.

Inauguration of the 60th pre-marriage preparatory course in Cairo Read More »

Pre-Marriage preparation course (51) in Alexandria

The Institute announces:

The beginning of the course (51) for the preparation of the new couples in Alexandria

From Friday, 12 March 2021, ends in June 2021

*We recommend the attendance of the course of Premarital preparation for all new couples
* We hope to guide the new couples of different churches to register before the start of the course
Institute Alexandria branch: Resurrection Cathedral: 9 koleyet el Teb St., El Raml Station
-for Registration- Alex: Mrs. Magda Creta: 3552076 0122
        Or Cairo Headquarter : 24533663 –   01286460895 Every Day from 10 am to 2 pm (except Sunday)



Pre-Marriage preparation course (51) in Alexandria Read More »

Pope Francis to mark fifth anniversary of ‘Amoris laetitia’ with year dedicated to family

Pope Francis announced Sunday a special year dedicated to the family, marking the fifth anniversary of the publication of his apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia.

In his Angelus address Dec. 27, the feast of the Holy Family, the pope noted that March 19, 2021, would mark five years since the signing of Amoris laetitia following synods on the family in 2014 and 2015.

He said: “Today’s feast reminds us of the example of evangelising with the family, proposing to us once again the ideal of conjugal and family love, as underlined in the apostolic exhortation Amoris laetitia, promulgated five years ago this coming March 19. And it will be a year of reflection on Amoris laetitia and it will be an opportunity to focus more closely on the contents of the document. These reflections will be made available to ecclesial communities and families, to accompany them on their journey.”

“As of now, I invite everyone to take part in the initiatives that will be promoted during the Year and that will be coordinated by the Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life. Let us entrust this journey, with families all over the world, to the Holy Family of Nazareth, in particular to St. Joseph, the devoted spouse and father.”

Pope Francis to mark fifth anniversary of ‘Amoris laetitia’ with year dedicated to family Read More »