The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Pope Fancis  

The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Saint Joseph Institute for Family & Life concluded the 60th pre-marriage preparatory course.

Under the patronage and presence of His Beatitude “Ibrahim Ishak”, Coptic Catholic Patriarch of Alexandria, Saint Joseph Institute for Family & Life concluded on Friday, 6th August 2021, the 60th pre-marriage preparatory course for engaged couples in great Cairo. Thirty couples participated from different churches and society categories.

His Beatitude listened to some impressions from the participants, here are some examples: “The course helped us build together the foundation of the family that will help us in our future married life”…. “Through the course, we got to know each other more and created a profound dialogue between us and understanding  the personality of each other”…We understood the  need for preparation before marriage, because it’s “A sacred vocation” like the “Priest  vocation ”…. “One of the most important things we learned during the course is:  To move our speech from “me” to “us”.

His Beatitude the Patriarch encouraged the couples; affirming that the foundation of the family is: -God’s love, Unity, and communion life, based on sincere dialogue between the two Spouses.

 He concluded his Patriarchal speech, giving the couples His Paternal  blessing.

The Institute wishes the 60th course couples, sincere love and happiness to build a family based on the Holy Family Model.