The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Pope Fancis  

The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

WOOMB International Conference, Rome 2023

The “Billings Revolution” 70 Years Later: From fertility knowledge to personalized medicine.

Over 430 participants attended the Conference, Thirty-five countries were represented – 17 European countries, including representatives from all our European WOOMB Affiliates, as well as Australia, Benin, Brazil, Burkino Faso, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, Philippines, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, New Zealand, USA and Vietnam.

This wonderful event began with His Excellency Mons Claudio Giuliodori, Ecclesial Assistant of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart delivering a message to conference participants from Pope Francis.

The Conference program was excellent giving a wonderful balance between scientific, medical and philosophical aspects.

This first day of the Conference showed the amazing research that continues and gave participants lots to think about through 2 sessions: Session 1 ‘A Revolution for science: history and development of research’ and Session 2 ‘A Revolution for Procreative Health: Diagnosis and Prevention’.

The second day of the Conference started with the theme: ‘A revolution for Culture: Anthropology, Education, Politics’.  Drs Mounir Farag and Marie Claire Farag shared their experiences of teaching the Billings Ovulation Method® in Egypt over 40 years

Reports from Affiliates

A tradition at all WOOMB Conferences is the Reporting from those Affiliates which attend and certainly showed ‘The “Billings Revolution” around the world’. 

Saint Joseph Institute as one of WOOMB affiliates, presented the story from the beginning of Billings’ in Egypt in 1980 till now and our activities in the last 3 years and our future projects

Billings Research Group Inaugural Meeting

On April 29 at 8:00 p.m., the Billings Research Group held the first face-to-face meeting during the WOOMB International Conference. It was great to meet and find out that we are all interested and want to start research projects on the Billings Ovulation Method®.