The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Pope Fancis  

The Family is the salt of the earth and the light of the world, it is the leaven of society

Author name: Dr Marie

Jérôme Lejeune and the challenges of Bioethics in the 21st century

Jérôme Lejeune and the challenges of Bioethics in the 21st century
May 17 – 18 2024
Rome – Italy
II International Bioethics Conference.

The participation of Saint Joseph Institute in the conference (as one of the supporting sponsors) with the testimony of a couple regarding the culture of life and delayed pregnancy and childbirth.



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WOOMB International Conference, Rome 2023

The “Billings Revolution” 70 Years Later: From fertility knowledge to personalized medicine.

Over 430 participants attended the Conference, Thirty-five countries were represented – 17 European countries, including representatives from all our European WOOMB Affiliates, as well as Australia, Benin, Brazil, Burkino Faso, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Egypt, Philippines, Lebanon, Malaysia, Nicaragua, Nigeria, New Zealand, USA and Vietnam.

This wonderful event began with His Excellency Mons Claudio Giuliodori, Ecclesial Assistant of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart delivering a message to conference participants from Pope Francis.

The Conference program was excellent giving a wonderful balance between scientific, medical and philosophical aspects.

This first day of the Conference showed the amazing research that continues and gave participants lots to think about through 2 sessions: Session 1 ‘A Revolution for science: history and development of research’ and Session 2 ‘A Revolution for Procreative Health: Diagnosis and Prevention’.

The second day of the Conference started with the theme: ‘A revolution for Culture: Anthropology, Education, Politics’.  Drs Mounir Farag and Marie Claire Farag shared their experiences of teaching the Billings Ovulation Method® in Egypt over 40 years

Reports from Affiliates

A tradition at all WOOMB Conferences is the Reporting from those Affiliates which attend and certainly showed ‘The “Billings Revolution” around the world’. 

Saint Joseph Institute as one of WOOMB affiliates, presented the story from the beginning of Billings’ in Egypt in 1980 till now and our activities in the last 3 years and our future projects

Billings Research Group Inaugural Meeting

On April 29 at 8:00 p.m., the Billings Research Group held the first face-to-face meeting during the WOOMB International Conference. It was great to meet and find out that we are all interested and want to start research projects on the Billings Ovulation Method®.

WOOMB International Conference, Rome 2023 Read More »

COP 27 délégation officielle du Saint Siège Vatican

Prof Mounir Farag a été nomme membre de la délégation officielle du Saint Siège – Vatican (pour la première fois considéré Party/ Etat et pas comme observateur).

La délégation était présidée par SE Card. Pietro Paroline.

La mission à Sharm El Sheikh pour deux semaines.

Audience privée du Cardinal,  le Nonce et Prof Mounir Farag  avec SE le premier ministre egyptien

COP 27 délégation officielle du Saint Siège Vatican Read More »

Sessions Spécialisés Couples Mariés :

•Cette année 2022 les  cours spécialisées  pour aider les couples en difficultés et  prévenir les problèmes durant les premières années de mariage ont été appréciés par des couples de divers rites .

• Les sessions ont été organisés les après-midis et le soir pour des groupes de petit nombre maximum 7 couples pour en profiter plus, par l’organisation Let the Children en collaboration avec SJI

•Les cours étaient basés sur un questionnaire préparatif, présentation du thème , groupe de travail, jeux éducatif, résolution de problèmes, etc…

•Les titres des sessions en 2022: Redécouvrez-vous, remédier l’absence de dialogue, Créer des liens avec votre partenaire et vos enfants, éducation confidentielle,  ..

Sessions Spécialisés Couples Mariés : Read More »

Saint Joseph Institute for Family & Life concluded the 62nd pre-marriage

the Saint Joseph Institute for Family and Life On Friday, 4th of August, 2022, concluded the 62nd pre-marriage preparatory course for engaged couples in great Cairo. 32 couples participated from different churches and society categories.

The Institute wishes the 62nd course couples, sincere love and happiness to build a family based on the Holy Family Model

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Saint Joseph Institute for Family & Life concluded the 61th pre-marriage

In the presence of His Eminence Bishop Claudio Lorati, Bishop of the Latin Church in Egypt, the Saint Joseph Institute for Family and Life On Friday, 4th February, 2022, concluded the 61th pre-marriage preparatory course for engaged couples in great Cairo. 32 couples participated from different churches and society categories.

The Institute wishes the 60th course couples, sincere love and happiness to build a family based on the Holy Family Model.

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Pontifical Academy for Life annual general assembly:” Public Health in Global Perspective: Pandemic, Bioethics, Future”

Partcipation of Dr. Mounir Farag, founder of Saint Joseph Institue for Family Life and Bioethics (SJI), and Dr. Sandra Azab researcher at SJI institute, at the Pontifical Academy for Life annual general assembly that took place from September 27th to 29th at Vatican city.

The theme of the Workshop is ” Public Health in Global Perspective: Pandemic, Bioethics, Future”. the Workshop intended to offer a reflection on certain ethical values that proved crucial in this circumstance, but also analysis of the challenges posed by a necessary ethical, medical and ecological conversion. The aim is to give an original contribution to the important debate on public health and the problems that this health emergency has highlighted. To make sense of what has happened and not to lose lessons learned from the crisis.

Pope Francis inaugurated the assembly by giving his speech to the members highlighting the importance of listening to the cries of the most vulnerable during pandemic COVID-19.

The members discussed the pandemic aspects from a medical, bioethical, philosophical and socio-economical perspective. The speakers also discussed the global aspects related to the pandemic like: Scientific Research, Market and economy, Freedom and common good, Zoonosis. The workshop included five working groups to give a space for small group discussions which ended up by recommendations made by each groupa and presented at the end of the Workshop.

Dr. Farag was in charge of the moderation of ” Public Health Dimensions” session on day 2.

At the end of the workshop, Sandra presented the most important questions suggested by the group of young researchers, to be addressed by the academy for future topics.

Pontifical Academy for Life annual general assembly:” Public Health in Global Perspective: Pandemic, Bioethics, Future” Read More »

Virtues in the Ethics of Life

On March 3-4th 2016, the Pontifical Academy for Life held in the Vatican its XXII General Assembly, connected with the workshop Virtues in the Ethics of Life.

Prof. Mounir Farag presented his  Topic in presence of Ambassador of Egypt HE Seif El Nasr:        

The virtuous institution in service to life

The proposals of certain widespread moral theories in the area of the ethics of life (principalism, consequentialism, situational ethics, etc.) are not able to offer a sufficient perspective to set in motion a correct deliberation, which would guarantee, on the one hand, the proper foundation in the natural moral law, and on the other hand, the suitable response to the concrete circumstances.     

Ethics from a moral virtues perspective, intended as acquired habits which accomplish a determined good, is the perfect assistant, both on the level of conscience and on the level of the act. Virtue Ethics implies a unified plan of life oriented towards the recognition and attainment of the ends-goods of human activities.

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Satisfying the thirst for hope in the world

Vatican City, February 17, 2021. – The Pontifical Academy for Life wants to be deeply embodied in contemporary society: the work of the study seminar reserved for Academicians, took place online . Over 100 Academics have participated, from Europe, Africa, Asia, America.

-Reflection starting with the themes of the two encyclicals of Pope Francis: “Laudato Sì” and “Fratelli Tutti“;  This part was moderated by Prof. Gabriella Gambino, under-secretary of the Laity, Family, Life Dicastery.

In the first speech, Prof. M. Therese Lysaught, Loyola University of Chicago, addressed the connection between the two encyclicals.

In the second speech, Prof. Felix Löwenstein, president of the Bund Ökologische Lebensmittelwirtschaft (BÖLW – Germany), examined issues related to biodiversity, defined «the immune system of the earth». 

In the third speech, Prof. Mounir Farag, professor at Senghor University in Alexandria (Egypt), founder and director of the St. Joseph Institute for Family and Pro Vita (Egypt), underlined that «the year 2020 was marked by the massive Covid-19 health crisis, which became a global phenomenon cutting across boundaries. These events have taught us how important it is to care for one another and for creation in our efforts to build a more fraternal society. A culture of care as a way to combat the culture of indifference, waste and confrontation so prevalent in our time».

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The Call for AI Ethics was signed in Rome – Saint Joseph Institute Joining Rome Call For Ethics

The Call for AI
Ethics was signed in Rome February 28th2020 signed in Rome by Microsoft, IBM, FAO –
Building momentum on the ethical

approach towards Artificial Intelligence endorsed
by Pope Francis

 The Rome
Call for AI Ethics
 is a document
created to support an ethical approach to Artificial Intelligence and promote a
sense of shared responsibility among organizations, governments and
institutions with the aim of guaranteeing a future in which digital innovation
and technological progress are at the service of human ingenuity and

«Progress can make a
better world possible if it goes together with the common good».
12 months – the ‘family’ of signatories has grown and working to make the document
more and more known…, ….. Without equitable and widespread development there
will be no justice, there will be no peace, there will be no universal

SJI Joining
Rome Call For Ethics

On July 2021 , Prof. Dr. Mounir Farag , the Founder
and President of St Joseph Institute for the Family, Life & bioethics ,
joining Rome Call for Ethics. The Reasons why SJI  joined Rome Call as an organization is based
on our  Professional expertise &
Advocacy in the field of Health Sector, Bioethics and Family  …

Our Commitments : Advocacy at 360 degrees For a  better world in harmony  with the common good and a common vision of
technology at the service of all humanity specially the fragile , remote and
marginalized   without discrimination or
exclusion  …to  make the Rome Call for Ethics  more and more known in our field of work :
Youth, family, multicultural , monotheistic religions and  believes society. 

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